PALEMBANG - Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (WALHI) South Sumatra (South Sumatra) urgent rescue forest swamp peat moss in the last region, which has now managed as industrial forest plantation (HTI) by a private company.
Executive Director of WALHI South Sumatra, Anwar Sadat, in Jakarta, Monday, that the concession by the management of HTI PT Rimba Mas Hutani (RHM) - a business group owned by Sinar Mas Group - based on a business license from the Ministry of Forestry Decree according Menhut No. 90/Menhut-II/2007 about the IUPHHK the RHM of 67,100 hectares.
Concession area is located in three blocks, namely blocks 1 in Production Forest Meranti, block 2 in the Forest Production Lalan (Merang Forest Group), and block 3, also located in the Forest Group Merang, in Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin (Muba), South Sumatra.
"We are concerned for the business license issued PT RHM in the region, would be the extremes of the ecological sustainability and stability in the region," said Sadat again.
Moreover, during the operating year since 2008, RHM WALHI Sumsel votes tend to exploit the wealth of natural forest in South Sumatra area, the forest at this time that there has been and continues to experience shrinkage.
"Based on our search business that PT RHM, particularly in the HP Group or Lalan Forest Merang that are on the natural forest area is still very good condition," he said again.
There are many types of vegetation vegetation (trees) that are in this area, other than there are species (fauna) that live in and around forest area, which most of the fauna is protected by law.
Is also, permission of PT RHM also swamp turf areas that have a very in thickness, which ranged from 1 to 6 meters (survey, Wetlands International and SSFFMP).
"The turf in this area is the only natural turf terluas and remaining in this province," said Sadat again.
The company, according to him, now known also propose expanding the business to Menhut of 20 thousand hectares, and has been approved by the Forestry Department (District and Muba Sumsel), the Regent and the Governor of South Sumatra Muba.
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Forest Ecosystem Turf Threatened Last
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