Yesterday, in afternoon, I have a headache, then I take the medicine recommended by my mother, in fact, within a few minutes after that, I have a bad experience.
what is that? correct, I get a allergy a very harrowing because my body rejected the reaction of the medicine that I drink, what effect?
Both my eyes are immediately became swollen, and continues to expand, is really very painful. Until finally I went to the hospital. To find out what the override and get my drugs from a doctor.
Doctor said, "It looks like you are allergic to any medicine, be better, I give anti-allergy drugs, drinking and drugs in accordance with the suggestion that doctors are."
Finally I get medication and go home. Drinking and drugs eventually I began to improve the situation. Maybe not recover total. But this is a bad experience.
For the next article, I will provide information in addition to global warming. Hopefully the readers do not feel disappointed.
Wellcome to the two!
Wellcome to the two...!
This Blog was build because the owner fells apprehensive about the mother earth condition. Many disaster was did because human did. Global warming, tsunami, flood, and many more. This blog will be share to you about the mind owner and many news for give you ore information how do reduce the impact of human did like global warming. I hope, I can give you much information. So, enjoy it!
I Got an Allergy Tonigth
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