Impact of global warming was so close with us, this article I was read so shock for me, but, I want shoe you because this article was caution for us.
WEELINGTON, - Some New Zealand scientists have warned that the South Pole melt faster than expected.
Professor Peter Barrett of the Antarctic Research Center, Victoria University, said the amount of ice lost reach 75 percent since 1996, and grow quickly.
The loss of glacier at the end of the South Pole lead to increase in surface sea water 0.4 Mm per year, he added, such as Xinhua news agency reported.
"The loss of global ice from Greenland, Antarctica and other glacier indicate the surface of sea water will rise between 80 centimeters and 2 meters up to 2100," Barett said.
Research center director Professor Tim Naish, who led a team of researchers to drill away at the rock in the South Pole and found a note from the ancient past that the CO2 level reaches the atmosphere now.
They found, 3 million to 5 million years ago, the surface sea water warm enough to melt many parts of the South Pole ice when CO2 atmosphere is only slightly higher than today's conditions.
Naish said ice in the western part of the Antarctic will melt before the ice layer is greater in the eastern South Pole because the ice under the surface of the sea water and menghangat with the ocean water.
However, he said the research questions that are missed on how much CO2 the atmosphere necessary to achieve the temperature rise to 2 degrees celsius or more.
CO2 conditions in the current atmosphere of 387 parts per million, up from as many as 280 parts per million at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.
Wellcome to the two!
Wellcome to the two...!
This Blog was build because the owner fells apprehensive about the mother earth condition. Many disaster was did because human did. Global warming, tsunami, flood, and many more. This blog will be share to you about the mind owner and many news for give you ore information how do reduce the impact of human did like global warming. I hope, I can give you much information. So, enjoy it!
Caution 75 Percent Es South Pole Already Lost !
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