Wellcome to the two!

Wellcome to the two...!
This Blog was build because the owner fells apprehensive about the mother earth condition. Many disaster was did because human did. Global warming, tsunami, flood, and many more. This blog will be share to you about the mind owner and many news for give you ore information how do reduce the impact of human did like global warming. I hope, I can give you much information. So, enjoy it!

featured: This Week in Pictures slideshow: World's Best Subway Maps planet green: Dive Into Blue August! Seed to Plate: Online Garden Planner Makes it Easy

Then, this article was from treehugger.com, if you know the complete article, you can visit that site. Nad more about go green in there, so this one of the article I crop, for your information, thank you for your visit.

With the Obamas gardening at the White House, vegetable gardening seems to have hit the mainstream. But many folks are still intimidated by the whole process - what do I plant, when, how many and how do I care for them? It can all be a bit much for a newbie. (See my own experiences of gardening failures over at Planet Green!) We've already seen one UK company spring up to make life a little easier - Rocket Gardens provide 'instant gardens' by shipping vegetable starts by mail - but as we noted at the time, that's not without its own environmental footprint. A new UK-based service helps those who want to start from seed.

Seed to Plate has created an online plot planner that asks you about what you like to eat, how much space you have, and how much time - and then creates a personalized set of seeds, planting plans and grow guides - even a map for laying out your plot - and ships it all to your door. Pretty darned neat if you ask me - I wish I'd have had a service like this when I started out.

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